Hello, Hi

My name is Julius Burphy, your new favourite Step Aerobic instructor in the UK, bringing you something different yet an energetic workout like no other! My goal has always been to break out of the box of classes every other gym has to offer and introduce you to a fun way to train.

As a highly energetic and passionate fitness instructor, I am committed to helping you have fun while getting fit. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, our classes are designed to make you get up and take your steps towards your fitness goals.

What people are saying.

  • "I love this class so much, the energy, the vibe, the routines are just too good. Julis goes through everything step by step so you know exactly what you are doing. Each week gets better and better as you get more comfortable with the routines."

    — Katie

  • "Its perfect balance between pushing your fitness levels through cardio but having so much fun whilst doing it plus dance vibe to it is sick!"

    — Megan

  • "Everyone brings the energy and Julius just 10-folds it. You just have such a laugh but work so hard at the same time."

    — Crystal

  • "I started the class just over a month and i've loved every minute of it. I struggle at the start but see myself getting better with every session"

    — Orpa

  • Stepper-ton is what i've been looking for a long time. a fitness class that's intense enough to make you work and also fun enough that makes you want to go back and do it again."


  • "The best step class you will ever go to! I really enjoyed this class, I love that everyone always gives it 100 percent and that's because Julies is an amazing instructor"
